Well my prediction has come and gone as I thought we would have our little peanut on March 1st. I figured between the full moon last night and the Braxton hicks, foot rubs, pineapple, red raspberry leaf tea, and other natural ways to induce labour we would be at the hospital right now, but I have accepted I was wrong.....
Next up on the list is my mom’s prediction of March 3rd/4th. I have a doctors appointment March 3rd where I have been told they will likely do an internal exam to see if we have any progression.
After that here is where everyone else is guessing……
Dawn: March 9th 2010
Barb: girl March 11th 2010 7lb 7oz.
Jobina: girl March 13th 2010 7lb 5oz.
Sarah: girl March 13th 2010, 6 lbs 8oz
Joel: boy March 14th 2010
Jay: March 15th 2010
Shannon: March 17th 2010
Martin: March 18th 2010
Christine: March 18th 2010
Ang: March 21st
Will keep everyone posted, but for now still feeling good.
We're just waiting around here too! How are you sleeping? I had a few bad nights simply because I kept wondering if that night would be "the" night. Mark said though that I can't go into labour today because he has seven clients that he doesn't want to cancel, so last night I slept great!
I was sleeping bad at the beginning of the week with terrible back labour, but the last 2 nights have been wonderful! I keep going to bed wondering if tonight will be "THE" night too! :) That's funny you sleep well when you have no "pressure". Hopefully it will happen on a night like that so you have good sleep before the event. I was at the doctors today, but we are only 2cm dilated so we still have awhile to go.