I love a good girl chat. I have lots of friendships that I have developed or reignited this year and our talks and visits are awesome! We generally talk light hearted, but every now and then family or personal issues enter the conversation. although I can not relate to some of their issues, I know its not always up to me to solve their problems. Sometimes just an ear will do.....
........But then night comes.
And I start replaying their problems, searching for solutions, advice, a great quote to inspire, or anything I can do to help.
Ok, so here's the issue. I have my own stresses. My own problems. My own life dealings. I found especially this month that I'm internalizing a lot of issues. I'm feeling their pressure like my own. But it's not. I know its not in my logical mind, but my heart just breaks for them, and wants to help.
So, here's what I'm asking, how do you provide great support for friends without worrying and internalizing their problems? How do you separate their issues from your own? How do you stop feeling their pressure tangled into your own?
I need some peace but I still want to be a good friend, listener and someone they feel comfortable sharing with if and when they need, but at the same time I can't keep going in this direction of worrying about the whole world. It's simply too much..... Help!
Simple - Prayer. It is real and it is powerful. google some studies thaey have done on it, even with 'non-believers, it is facinating.