Peanut & Lady "Bug"

Peanut & Lady "Bug"

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Silent Night

This weekend was full of excitement, sleep, family, and more sleep!

Friday Joel and I did minor errands. Joel had to finish hooking up the washing machine at Martin and Barb’s condo (it was missing a washer), we had to pick up a few things left at their old house before Saturday possession, and we stopped by my parents to get a couple things too. We were home early which was nice, so we just relaxed in bed watching TV.

Joel had to work Saturday, so I went shopping with my mom. I probably have not been to the mall in 2 years so it was a fun trip. We went to a few shops in and around the mall and I bought a new pair of jeans, and a pair of black dress pants for work. The pants need to be hemmed, but most of my pants do, so I’m not really surprised. I will take them in next week to get done. I also went to Sevala’s to pick up cabbage rolls, but they were closed for the long weekend, so I ended up on Nairn at a small little shop called Julia’s. I have eaten there once before, but really could not tell you my “review” since it was many years ago. I picked up a tray of cabbage rolls for myself (Joel will not eat them) and enjoyed my supper! While I was on Nairn I did a little shopping down the strip too, which proved to be a waste of time, but hey no harm in looking. Sarah and Jay stopped in before we headed out to Lilac. Joel has an Xbox 360 with a hard drive, but it is no longer working. With all the new things we have going on, Joel really could not see fixing the Xbox anytime soon, so he gave it to Jay along with a few other Xbox accessories. It surprises me how well Jay, Sarah and us get along. Besides being family, Sarah and Jay have become some of our closest friends. We have asked them a huge favor and they accepted while we were camping for the weekend, which takes a lot of worry off of us for the future ahead.

We spent Saturday night at Lilac but stayed at the campsite. Friends Mandi and Braydon stopped by for a quick visit. I probably have not seen then in 2 years, so it was great to catch up. Plus Mandi is a huge dog lover and she was able to meet our boys. We stayed until dinner time on Sunday. My mom made an excellent meal of artichoke stuffed chicken, broccoli, cucumber salad, and sweet potato. It was so yummy! My mom really is a great cook.

Sunday night we drove back into the city and over to Joel’s uncle’s place. His daughter Christine is in from out of town and this was the first time I met her, her husband Mike, and their 2 daughters. (plus one of their daughter’s boyfriend) We arrived later than most of the family, but also stayed much later too. I believe Joel and I left at 10:30 or 11pm. Joel was drinking rye which he has only ever done once in front of me. I also believe that will be the last time.

Monday I spent the entire day in bed. I was up 3 times to eat, and once to pick Joel up from dropping off the jeep. We are selling the jeep so he had to take it to get safetied. I couldn’t believe the entire day was wasted, but I felt great this morning, so it was well worth it.

We are going over to Martin and Barb’s tonight to put up the wall mount TV unit. Sarah is back in helping Martin and Barb out for this week. It is great that she has the summers off so that she can come into the city. (Although she may not think the same) We may also stop by for a quick visit to my grandma’s if time allows.

Tomorrow we are making plans to visit Joel’s grandparents and Thursday I have a doctor’s appointment. Friday we have a staff day. We are “working” 10-6, but the office is closed. We are spending the day in Selkirk at Christine’s lot. She has a big shop (in case it rains), pontoon boat, volleyball courts, and many other fun games! We are eating lunch out there and will spend the day enjoying each other outside of work. I am quite excited about it.

I have to work on Sunday with Marc monitoring Taxi exams, but it should only be 4 hours or so. It is a good way to bank some time. I will need it since I used some of it last week to help my in-laws, and for my doctor’s appointment this week.

Well, that’s it for now – enjoy ~

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