Peanut & Lady "Bug"

Peanut & Lady "Bug"

Saturday, May 14, 2011

New Stroller!

The last piece on my "to do" list was crossed off today.  I purchased this stroller - The Baby Jogger City Select.  It is beyond sweet. Ok Bug, you can come anytime now, we're ready for you! 
I totally bought this today (minus the bassinet attachment) and couldn't be more excited!


  1. LOVE IT!!!
    Can't wait to meet Bug, and see him in this stroller!

  2. Seriously. It's nice to buy the luxurious items. But there is pride in saving your pennies and being thrifty. This seems a little overdone. But congratulations. Hope your husband picked up some more shifts for your expensive tastes.

  3. I don't think you should be worried about what my husband provides for me. I am trying to make my life easier and have something that grows and shrinks with the needs of our family. What we choose to splurge on shouldn't concern you.

  4. Wow, funny someone would comment on this and not put a name to the statement. Just know Ash that apparently your life is much more interesting than theirs if they are spending their time reading your blog :) And really...pride in saving your pennies and being thrifty pretty much says I can't afford it and am jealous that you can. Sorry to hear that anonymous.

  5. Actually the cost of this stroller is quite in-line with all double strollers, not sure why anonymous was so concerned. Maybe they should have done some research first before commenting.
