Peanut & Lady "Bug"

Peanut & Lady "Bug"

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Date Night

Last night Mika went for a sleep over with grams and grumpa. Although she had a bad night, Joel and I had a wonderful one. We walked up to Safeway and rented a movie, came home and just relaxed for awhile. We watched the movie Dilemma then went to bed. 7 hours later I woke up to feed Maddy Cakes, and went back to bed for another few hours. This morning I woke up and did a little yoga while Maddy played under her mat. We went to return the movie and headed to pick up Mika. Both Barb and I needed a few things from the grocery store so we walked up together to Extra Foods. Mika is now down for a nap and Maddy and I are headed out to get J and Grumpa some beer.  They are building the deck this morning and we will be having a BBQ on it this evening. Life is good ~

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